The Milk of the Word Audio

To listen to the audio presentations for each session, click on the arrow symbol ” > “ at the left of each session bar.

To download each session click on the ” : “ symbol to the right of the speaker icon symbol for each session

Milk Session 1 Part 1 Introduction, The Student
Milk Session 1 Part 2 Introduction, The Student
Milk Session 2 Part 1 Introduction, The Student
Milk Session 2 Part 2 Introduction, The Student
Milk Session 2 Part 3 Introduction, The Student
Milk Session 2 Part 4 Introduction, The Student
MIlk Session 3 Part 1 The Textbook
Milk Session 3 Part 2 The Textbook
MIlk Session 3 Part 3 The Textbook
Milk Session 4 Part 1 Repentance from dead works
Milk Session 4 Part 2 Repentance from dead works
Milk Session 5 Part 1 Faith toward God
Milk Session 5 Part 2 Faith toward God
Milk Session 6 Part 1a Baptism of John
Milk Session 6 Part 1b Baptism of John
Milk Session 6 Part 2a Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Milk Session 6 Part 2b Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Milk Session 6 Part 2c Gifts of ;the Holy Spirit
Milk Session 6 Part 2d Gifts of ;the Holy Spirit
Milk Session 6 Part 3a Baptism of Fire
Milk Session 6 Part 3b Baptism of Fire
Milk Session 7 Part 1a Laying on of Hands
Milk Session 7 Part 1b Laying on of Hands
Milk Session 8 Part 1a Resurrection of the Dead
Milk Session 8 Part 1b Resurrection of the Dead
Milk Session 8 Part 2a Resurrection of the Dead
Milk Session 8 Part 2b Resurrection of the Dead
Milk Session 9 Part 1 Eternal Judgement
Milk Session 9 Part 2 Eternal Judgement
Milk Session 10 Part 1 Summary
Milk Session 10 Part 2 Summary

To listen to the audio presentations for each session, click on the arrow symbol “>” at the left of each session bar.
To download each session click on the “:” symbol to the right of the speaker icon symbol for each session