
At this point I would like to share with you some of the experiences where we have seen God move in miraculous ways in the lives of others that the Lord has brought to us.

Miracles In The Hospital

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.  ~ Isaiah 53:5 KJV

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.   ~ 1 Peter 2:24 KJV

A friend ask me to accompany him to a hospital in downtown Kansas City to pray for a lady pastor who had had a massive stroke seven weeks earlier. She was almost totally paralyzed and her body was shutting down. Her family had been called and told that there wasn’t any hope-they should come to say their goodbyes as the doctor’s were only giving her a few more hours to live.

When we arrived we found the family with her in a large corner room. They were about twenty-five people in the room and all were crying, wailing, and praying. I approached the pastor’s bed and, not knowing whether or not she could hear me, I reminded her of the scriptures that assures us the Jesus had not only paid the penalty for our sin debt but had taken the painful stripes from the Roman soldiers’ whips, the infamous cat-of-nine- tails, that we might be healed.

At this point I felt led to first pray for the family. The power and anointing of the Holy Spirit began to touch those in the room with healings of back, legs, and arm problems along with bronchitis and a whole host of other ailments. Many collapsed to the floor under the anointing of the Spirit while others were weeping, rejoicing, and praising God for the mighty works He was performing in their lives. The whole room was so charged the power of God a one could stand. I sensed that it was now time to redirect this manifestation of the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit to the paralyzed pastor.  I gathered all of those in the room around her bed and directed them to lay hands upon her. In Jesus Name we began to rebuke the paralyzing spirit that was on her. As we prayed this “paralyzed” sister’s body began to shake and jerk violently. I knew in my spirit that this sister in Christ was receiving her healing.

The next day my friend called to say that the pastor was not only still alive but the paralysis was gone, she was on her feet preparing to go home.

But that’s not the whole story. As my friend and I were leaving the hospital that evening a lady, who apparently had witnessed the healings, stopped us and ask if we would please go with her, to which we reluctantly agreed not knowing specifically why or to where we were going. We followed her into the downtown area which was not a area which we comfortable in after dark.

She pulled into what seemed to be a truck depot and hurried across the lot. Still somewhat apprehensive we followed her to where a number of men were gathered. She called to one of the men and, after talking to him for a few minutes; she introduced him to us as her husband. Then she explained that he was on pain medication for severe pain in his back and legs.  I explained to him how Jesus Christ had paid the price for our healing over two thousand years ago and that He has never turned any away who have come to Him with a repentant spirit. When ask if he would like to receive this healing, he responded, “YES”. Not wanting to quench the power of the Spirit I suggested that we move over to an area between the trucks where my friend and I laid hands on his back and, in Jesus Name, ordered the pain to leave and prayed for Christ’s healing virtue to flow through his body. Immediately he received Christ’s healing. As my friend and I left both the husband and his wife were still between the trucks rejoicing and praising God.

Act Upon Your Faith

And Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he said. Therefore I say unto you, whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you shall have them. ~ Mark 11:22-24 KJ2000

My wife, Shirley, met a lady at a ceramics class who was in her late 30’s to early 40’s and her shoulders were hunched over. Shirley got to know this lady fairly well. This lady had been in constant pain for several years. She had been to several doctors with no success and was forced to quit her job as a bookkeeper because of the pain in her neck and shoulders. She confided to Shirley that the pain was so bad that it was making her irritable and was causing problems with her children and marriage, which in turn, was causing depression.

On a number of occasions Shirley tried to convince this lady to come to me for healing, but she refused stating that many Christians had prayed for her but she was still bent over in pain. After about a year of refusals Shirley said to her in frustration “that’s fine. It’s your decision and if you want to you can go right ahead and carry this pain forever, but I don’t understand – what you have to loose?” to which this lady finally agreed.

Shirley brought her to meet with me at our place of business where we have set aside a room as a “prayer room”. As I laid hands on her neck and shoulders and in Jesus Name, began to pray and rebuke the pain and deformity; immediately her neck and shoulders straightened, the pain left and she began praising the Lord and rejoicing.

For the next three days this lady called me wanting assurances that she had been healed, and with many questions as to why she was healed now when others had prayed for her without any apparent results.

About a year later she went to her doctor for a checkup. The doctor, while reviewing her medical history, asks her about her neck and shoulder pain. She told the doctor that she had been prayed for and had received an instant healing. The doctor began to examine her neck and shoulders by pushing and probing and immediately the pain returned in force.

The next day she called Shirley and told what had happened in the doctor’s office. Shirley scolded her for her unbelief explaining that when Jesus heals it’s permanent and only our unbelief (or our belief in man’s wisdom) that can reverse it. When Shirley prayed for her the pain left and, after more than five years, has not returned.

More Than Expected

How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation ~ Daniel 4:3 KJ2000

One day two ladies brought a car in for the state mandated motor vehicle inspection. One of the lady’s, who appeared to be in her thirties, had her right arm immobilized and her right leg was dragging. I soon discovered that both of these conditions were the result of a stroke that she had suffered twelve years earlier.

I ask if she had ever requested prayer for this condition and she stated that many had prayed for her without success. I told her that hundreds of people had received healings here at our place of business and pointed her to the many testimonial letters posted on the walls. I then ask her if I could pray for her to which responded with an excited “YES”. The three of us adjourned to the prayer room. As I began to pray and rebuke this condition in Jesus name, she began to experience warming and tingling sensations in the affected parts of her body, sensations that she had not been able to feel since the stroke. In a short period of time she began to move her right arm, walk normally with both legs, and could not hide her excitement as she praised the Lord.

About three weeks later a beautifully dressed lady in high heels walked in with a smile on her face from ear to ear. It wasn’t until she began to talk about her healing that I realized who she was. The change was remarkable. She wanted me to see that she could now walk normally in high heels where before she couldn’t even walk normally in flats. She was so excited and was praising and thanking the Lord for giving her a new life.

Another Stroke – Another Miracle

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. ~ Hebrews 11:6 KJV

An older man came through the front door of our place of business walking with a cane.  The left side of his body seemed to be dragging. His arm and hand were curled tightly against his body and his leg was turned inward.

When I ask about his condition he replied that a stroke occurred five years ago and the doctors’ prognosis was that his condition would not improve.

I told him that the Lord had healed many in this place and ask if I could pray for him. We went into the “prayer room” where I began to pray for his healing and, in Jesus name, rebuked the infirmity and commanded it to leave his body. Although I could feel the transfer of Lord’s anointing to this man he left displaying no emotion or evidence that anything had happened. I was puzzled and began to question God, as I felt sure that the Lord had done something for this man.

Around nine o’clock the next morning I saw this huge figure charging through the front door obviously in a hurry.  As I approached I thought that I recognized the man as the stroke victim that I had prayed for yesterday, except that he was standing tall and moving normally. He joyfully related that when he woke this morning not only had the numbness had disappeared but that after five years he could feel life coursing throughout his whole body. Boy, was he excited and I was rejoicing!

When I got some time alone I repented for my lack of faith. I now understood that I must not work on feelings. I must believe that Jesus is in total control and will always fulfill His promises. I am only a conduit through whom He can touch others with His love.

Healings Come When We Ask in Faith

The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus, which had made him whole. ~ John 5:15 KJV

One day a man whom named Mark, who had grown up with my children, came into our place of business. I hadn’t seen this person in over twenty-eight years and we spent some time reminiscing about the earlier times. It was obvious to me that Mark was in poor health and he explained that he had been battling a colon induced bowel condition called diverticulitis for over twelve years and, since the medications were no longer having a positive effect, the doctor would not renew the prescriptions. He was scheduled for a surgical procedure called a colostomy, which allows normal eating and bowel movements. The stool then goes into a bag attached to the opening in the abdomen.

I told Mark that I knew that the Lord was able to heal him and ask him if I could pray for him. We went into the prayer room and as I laid hands on him and began to pray and rebuke this condition in Jesus name I felt the Power of God being transferred. Mark thanked me then left showing no emotion at all.

Three days later Mark came in with a huge smile on his face and couldn’t wait to tell me what had happened. He said that as he was driving home after I had prayed for him he began to feel something different in or with his body. When he got home he had an urgent need of a bowel movement. Afterwards the stool was full of some horrible green stuff and his first thought was that a part of his intestines had been eliminated in the process. Whatever it was, He now felt great! From that day he has been perfectly normal.

He tells everyone that he knows and meets about his miracle healing that the Lord did for and in him.

Praise God that He is JEHOVA-RAPHA the Lord who heals.

Ryan’s Miracle

And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. ~ Acts 3:8

My wife Shirley and I were at Ryan’s Restaurant having lunch when two ladies walked by our table. One of these ladies, who appeared to be in her thirties, was limping and her upper body was pitched forward. As she sat down at their table I could see that she was in great pain. I began to experience a deep compassion for this woman and knew that I was supposed to pray for her healing.

After we had finished our lunch I told Shirley that I needed to talk with these ladies. I introduced myself explaining that I had felt a great compassion and inquired into the cause of her pain. She stated that she had been run over by a truck, which had crushed the discs in her back. She said that the doctors had done all that was possible. As the condition was inoperable the only recourse was heavy-duty pain relief medication. When I ask her if she believed that Jesus still heals today, she said yes but that she had many people who had prayed for her healing in the past eleven years. I then ask if she would allow me the opportunity to pray with her for her healing. She looked at the other woman then replied “yes”. As the restaurant was almost full I ask her if she wanted for me to pray for her here and now or would she rather go outside. After a moment of reflections she suggested that we go outside. Once outside I laid hands on her and immediately she began to jump up and down, rejoicing and praising God for His miracle of healing.

I then touched the other lady, who turned out to be her mother and was weeping with joy, and Holy Spirit came upon her in such a manner that I had to hold her up to keep her from falling under His power. They left almost running and praising the Lord.

The Devil Loses – Twice

And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject unto us through your name. ~ Luke 10:17

A couple of years ago a woman came into my place of business and said that she wanted to talk with me in private. We went into the prayer room and she began to tell explain that she had been sent to me by a friend who had received a healing here, and her friend had told her of the many testimonies on our walls. This woman said that she believed that she was demon possessed and had been for many years. She was a regular church attendee and many times had been prayed for many time without success, but through her friend’s testimony believed that she could receive deliverance here. When I anointed her with oil she began to curse me and to squeal. This lasted for two to three minutes while I continued to rebuke the evil spirit(s) in Jesus Name, then she became perfectly calm. She had been delivered and she knew it.

That same afternoon a man came in asking for pray for deliverance from demonic spirits. The same thing happened to him as had happened to the woman earlier in the day.

What does deliverance have to do with healing? When the Lord sent out the seventy disciples He told them to “… heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come near unto you.” ~ Luke 10:9  Yet when they returned did they give an account of all of the healings? No they said: “…Lord, even the demons are subject unto us through your name.” ~ Luke 10:17

Testimonial Letters

In many of the above testimonies references were made to the Testimonial Letters on the walls of our place of business. This section includes reproductions of some of these letters.


April 7, 2003

To Whom It may concern:

It is with great pleasure that I recommend the ministry of Bro. Don Ware to your congregation. Bro. Ware has ministered in our church and signs and wonders followed.  Bro. Ware has a great desire to empower the church with the gift of healings as well as impart this gift. He will surely bless your congregation. Bro. Ware has shown himself to be a man of integrity and compassion. His love for people is unsurpassed.

In His service,

Haskell D. Martin
Senior Pastor
New Life Assembly of God
306 S. Texas
Archie, MO.64725
(816) 293-5723

I write this letter with the greatest assurance that Brother Ware is a man of integrity and honor. Without any hesitation or reservation I recommend Brother Don Ware and his evangelistic team. They Personify the gift of the evangelist. He does not have his own agenda to fulfill. He works with the pastor and allows the Holy Spirit to flow freely. He ministers with great humility and confidence.

Our church has been experiencing revival since our services with Brother Don We have had six filled with the Holy Ghost two saved eight Baptized in water, several healings for instance eyes, back problems and feet. The Lord Jesus Christ receives all praise. However Brother Ware’s Ministry was the vessel that God chose to use to bring the freshness of His Spirit into out Midst.

If you have any question please feel free to contact me at 816-430-5924.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Melvin Brunk

Kathy Satterfield

April 13, 2003

Dear Reverend Ware, Saints, and friends,

My name is Kathy Satterfield, and this is my story about how good the LORD is.

On July 17, 2001, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. My blood work showed I had over one million of the viruses in my body. This was not good, and knowing I had carried the virus for over eighteen years didn’t help (I had a blood transfusion). On August 8, 2001, I began taking interferon injection three times a week. The side effects were awful and there were days I did not think I would make it, but I knew GOD was with me and his strength would see me through.

In October 2001, Rev. Ware and the healing team came to Restoration Outreach, for our force 2001. When service was over there were several alter calls, one of the alter calls was for the sick who needed healing, I went forward. Well saints, I felt the power of GOD heal me through Rev. Ware’s touch. In November 2001, I went for my monthly blood work, and saints, let me tell you how good GOD is; THERE WAS NO SIGN OF THE HEPITIS C VIRUS IN MY BODY!!!!!!! GOD IS S00000 GOOD!!!!

I did have to continue to take my medication for a year, and taking the medication made me stronger. I walked with a purpose now, I was healed. On August 16, 2002, I had my last interferon injection. All the tests came back good, but my real testimony came on April 1, 2003. I had my six-month check-up and it came back with all signs of the virus gone. My count was less then 25, which means the virus was no longer in my body, and was undetectable. My doctor said that I did a good job, but I just shook my head and said No, GOD did it all. Rev. Ware, let me say I ‘am sorry my testimony has taken so long to get to you. I wanted to have the six-month results before I wrote. If anyone is having any doubts about the healing power of GOD; DON’T! PRAY SAINTS, GOD DOES HEAR YOUR PRAYERS AND HE DOES HEAL. GOD’S WORD IS TRUE!

In Closing, I would just like to say it is by the grace of GOD that I am healed. ISAIAH 53 1-5.

Your Sister in the LORD.

Kathy Satterfield

Faith Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ

Faith Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ
8105 Troost
Kansas City, MO 64131
(816) 561-0308

August 28, 2002

To Whom if May Concern,

God is still working miracles, signs, and wonders. We the church of Faith deliverance Church of Jesus Christ would like to commend Rev. Don Ware and his healing team, God’s Way Ministry, for letting God use them mightily at our church on March 17, 2002. There were many visitors there who experienced the awesome move of God through healing and deliverance. There were people healed from high blood pressure, back pain, leg and foot pain, migraine headaches, and other conditions.

I would like to thank God and Rev. Ware’s ministry for exhibiting the power of God through their ministry.

Respectfully yours in Christ,

Pastor Portia Brown

Restoration Outreach Center – “THE ROC”

To whom it may concern,

Recently, our church was blessed to have Rev. Don Ware and the God’s Way Ministries prayer team at our FORCE 2001! Services. I could take up your time and tell you the power of their ministry but time, and poor typing skills will not permit me to do that. I will, however, share some of the testimonies that were given to me as Pastor of Restoration Outreach Center with you. I also invite you to take a look at the tape that / sent to Reverend Ware as a true witness as to the services that we had. I pray that the following testimonies and viewing of the tape will convince you and your church to get in touch with God’s Way Ministries so that you can acquire the fire!

Sister Oliver:

“I am on dialysis for my kidneys. I go 3 times a week (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). Before each treatment, they do some blood work on me so that they can track my progress. After the Friday night service, in which the power of God fell on me, / felt so good that I almost didn’t go in for my treatment. After they did my blood work, the doctor told me that my blood work had never looked so good! He said I almost didn’t even need a treatment. I told him that I had been prayed for the night before. He said that he heard that prayer changed things! I thank God for restful sleep the last few nights, and, a huge reduction in my tiredness after my treatments. God bless you Reverend Don!”

Anonymous testimony:

“Before I came to service, my boyfriend had hit me in my jaw and neck areas. I was reluctant to come up for prayer, but the pain was so sharp I just decided to go. After the prayer team prayed for me, I went into the women’s restroom and I could not believe that the pain in my jaw and neck areas was gone! I told someone that this had never happened to me before, so I know it was real”

Brother John:

“I had come to the service with my parents, and really didn’t feel like being there. My head was hurting real bad, and / was having back pains. Right after service started, Reverend Ware called me up. The prayer team prayed for me. I felt warmth in my head and back areas. Then I noticed that there was no more pain! I told Reverend Ware that the pain was gone, and I was able to enjoy the rest of the service!”

Other Testimonies:

“Pain in my leg, gone!”

“I went back twice. Each time I went, God healed a different area in my body. I know this was real!”

If your church, outreach ministry or evangelist team is seeking someone that can either point them toward the direction in which God wants us to walk in his authority, or need a spiritual refreshing by the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit, then let me urge you to get in touch with God’s Way Ministries. I believe that you will find them to be an anointed, yet humbling, God fearing team that is on fire. Your church, like mine, will never ever be the same. We at Restoration Outreach Center are getting ready to spread the fire in our Sunday night deliverance services starting in January 2002, and our “Connecting with the Community” outreach efforts this year. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your church blessed like never before!

God Bless You Is My Prayer

Pastor Dale Dan Gerfield,

Restoration Outreach Center
1830 1/V Main, Richmond, In. 47374

Edie and Michelle

June 5, 2005

My name is Edie. I am 35 years old and have been blessed with the Lord’s healing! Pain and illness is NOT something we have to endure. Be child-like and believe in miracles!! Take a step of faith in God and His instruments of healing.

Don Ware is one of God’s tools. The Lord has healed me through Don. An injury at the age of 11 left me with little to no cartilage in my lower back. Extreme pain in all activities was my fate. I asked Don to pray over me. As Don was praying, God gave me a miracle of healing. A few months later, I experienced a painful knot behind my knee. Once again, through Don, God healed me.

Through these prayers and healings, God’s Mercy was given unto me. I am happy and now feel GREAT!

Dear Lord, I pray everyone who comes to you for healing be blessed by you and given the understanding as to why your Mercy is or is not given at that time. I know you give your Mercy to sinners and saints alike. I pray that Don will continue to be used to lead your children home to your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


I came to have my car repaired by brother Don. During this time we spoke deeply about the Lord and we prayed that the Lord would heal me. I am a great believer of His word.  I was having cardio arrest problems. The doctors had ran an EKG which showed low voltage readings meaning one of my valves was weak in my heart. I had chest, shoulder, neck, and jaw pains. After praying. I had no more pain!

I went back to the doctor for another EKG. The doctors couldn’t find any problem with my heart whatsoever. The EKG showed no signs of damage. The voltage reading was once again normal. God is good ALL THE TIME! I praise and praise His name.


First Assembly of God

Jerry L. Miller – Pastor

801 S. Main
Butler, MO 64730
(816) 679-4405



This letter is in response to the services that Rev. Don Ware and his ministry team held for us a fewweeks ago. Brother Ware and his team are fully committed to seeing the Lord glorified in the realm of divine healing.

The entire congregation responded in a positive manner to the altar call with one man receiving healing concerning a growth in his lymph nodes. Another man who had suffered from congestive heart failure for 15 years was told by his cardiologist a few weeks after the service that he could find nothing wrong with his heart. Brother Ware and his entire learn were sincere, genuine, courteous and totally submitted to the pastor’s desires.  If granted an invitation to minister, they will be fully prepared do so.

God Bless

Rev. Jerry L. Miller
Westside Assembly of God
909 STATE FAIR SLVD • SEDALIA, MO 6530 • (660) 626 9236

November 1, 2001

Rev. Don Ware
608 N. Scott
Adrian, MO 64720

Dear Friend:

Just a note of follow-up to our time together last Sunday morning and evening services, in which we experienced the anointed presence of the Holy Spirit.

As you recall, we have a significant contingency of youth in our church, reaching out for everything they can get from God, as you saw them hurry to receive any giftings God might entrust to them. Well, at Tuesday’s “Faith Zone Uth”, their director was quite Ill and when a couple of them found this to be, they hurriedly laid hands on her and she instantly rallied to a point of continuing leadership of the 30-40 youngsters and their evening’s ministry.

I shall be delighted to offer any reference and commendation I can for a church needing the unadulterated move of the Spirit and to be touched by the giftings of the Holy Spirit. It is obvious our church bodies need the gifts working amongst us in this hour bind your team, being utterly prayer-led, is being used to motivate and stir up those gifts.

THANK YOU for coming and we look eagerly forward to our next time together as we remain,


Your Friend and HIS,

Pastor Dan Swearengin

House of Refuge

House of Refuge Non-Denominational Church

James 5:16:  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man

avails much God moved in a miraculous way on March 07, 2003. The Lord moved by the spirit of the Holy Ghost through the anointing. People were healed and slain it the spirit by the by the mighty works of God.

An abundance of deliverance took place, people that were bound were set free, and shackles were loosened. The Spirit of Freedom flowed throughout the sanctuary. The pastor and members of the House of Refuge would like to take this opportunity to thank Elder Ware for the radical blessing of healing power, and we hope to commune again. We pray that God’s blessing be upon you.

Yours in Christ,

Elder Classie Brown-Hill, Pastor
Elder Thomas Whitley, Asst. Pastor

Heather Lair

I have had back pain since I was 15 years old with 3 curves in my back. Pastor Don prayed for me and the pain left. The pain had been so unbearable at times that I could not move. Now my back is starting to straighten back up and I can move around and pick up stuff a lot better than I used to.

Heather Lair

Jason – Letter from Dr. Mark Gillett

Jason is a patient of mine who had elevated blood pressure and very high cholesterol and triglycerides. There was evidence of kidney problems with elevated blood sugar.

Through prayer with Pastor Ware and myself, a very small amount of medicine, and lifestyle changes including diet and exercise, with God’s healing power through His Christ, Jason is now very healthy. The changes in his health are miraculous, and much greater than would be expected on the basis through medicine alone.

I believe that God, through Pastor Ware and the prayers of others has touched Jason’s health in a miraculous way.

Mark Gillett M.D.

Jason Kincald – The Healing Powers of The Lord

I have had two separate injuries healed by Pastor Don Ware. In both cases I was in severe pain. The first injury in which I had felt the healing powers of the Lord come into my body and remove all my pain was a knee Injury. I was wearing a brace and barely able to walk, but when I left Pastor Ware, I felt no pain, and was walking and standing on this knee. Within a few days, the injury was undetectable, It was remarkable.

The second injury was to my hip. For years my hip has hurt, slowed me down and sometimes, on a bad day, I could hardly walk.

On one of these bad days Pastor Ware observed my pain and offered to pray for me. After a short few short minutes of prayer came healing and I was not experiencing any pain, I could walk with long strides and had no trace of any pain or hip problem. To me, this gift that I received from the Lord was a miracle – my pain was removed and my injuries were healed. I truly thank anybody who spreads the faith.

God has blessed Pastor Ware

Thank you

Jason Kincald

Brenda’s Testimony – 01/02/2008

Dear Don,

Hi – I hope my letter finds all well. I just wanted to say thank you for being there. Every time I get to see you, or your family, or just drive by, I always wanted to thank you for being a person that I believe walks in the Savior’s footsteps.

Quite a long while ago my car broke down. At that time everything in my life was falling apart – both my health and my family. I was experiencing both physical and mental pain and had been to many doctors who all told me the same thing that, in a nutshell, my body was older than I was. I wore arm braces, and had un-bearable headaches and I was in pain when I walked. I often had thoughts of self-destruction.

When I brought my car to your shop you sensed that I not only did I need repairs for my car, I needed repairs for my body. You and I went into your office and talked and prayed. You anointed me and I was healed! I feel so much better, and have adopted the saying “Let go and let God”. I no longer need to have those cortisone treatments with long needles in my wrists, fingers, or knees, and I no longer need any pain pills. I am a mystery to my doctors. At this time I was preparing for major surgery to remove a bone from both my hand and my knee, and after my healing five separate x-ray showed that the bone(s) were gone. I no longer need a wheel chair, and am a walking witness to God’s healing powers – so much so that one of the doctors who had been treating me for four to five years and who, up until that time, only believed in science, gave his heart to the Lord and has had his life changed as well. Except for mundane things like a cold, I have not been to a doctor since. Our family has a stronger bond and we are doing very well. Through you, my brother, I have been able to be an inspiration to others.

Praise God for my car, which my husband always called “the beast from hell”, for through that trial I met you and my life will never be the same. In our Savior you are not only a brother, but also a counselor and a friend. Thank you for being a blessing to me and my family, and thank you for faithfully walking in

Christ’s footsteps.

My prayer is that this letter will be an inspiration of hope to all who might read it, and a reminder to all to “let go and let God”.


Brenda Hackaday

Valerie’s Testimony – 04/10/2008

Dear Don,

I was at the right place at the right time! I brought my car in for repairs and was waiting when you came in. As you were writing up a repair ticket for another customer I heard you say, “there are a lot of people that need healing”. When I heard that spoke up and said that I needed healing. You said “sister, if you believe, let’s go into the office and pray”.

You ask me to take some of your anointing oil on my finger and place it on my tongue – and then you prayed. You stated that God has healed my body, and that when I go back to the doctor’s things will have changed. You also said that although it may seem strange, some people with intestinal illnesses experience an unusual bowel movement as a part of their healing.

While I was in the waiting room at the doctor’s office prior to my test, I had to run to the bathroom for a bowel movement, after which the doctor had me drink some more water and then wait an hour before the running the tests. When the doctor’s office called, they told me that all of the tests were normal and that there was no longer any indication of the deadly bacterial infection that had been in my stomach lining. Praise God! I though I was in to get my car fixed, but God had other plans. He sent a man of God to fix my body.

God Bless You Brother Don,

Valerie Weaver

Barry Morton Testimony – 05/25/2008

Brother Don Ware
God’s Way Ministry

I am writing regarding the experience that I had with your group and the blessings of the Lord Jesus. I have been a Christian for several years and have attended church on a regular basis feeling that I have lived my life in a way that was pleasing to the Lord. I was unaware of the rewarding life in Christ that I was missing.

My wife Karen became associated with Brother Don during a sickness in July of 2007. July has been a terrible month for Karen and me for the last three years. In July of 2005, Karen had a golf ball sized tumor removed by open-heart surgery, with a lengthy recovery. Again in July of 2006 we were suffering through a complicated surgery for another sickness that was made worse with an extended recovery lasting through September of that year. After this when Karen started having chest pain in July of 2007, we found ourselves at Don Ware shop in Belton where on our first meeting with Brother Ware, and after pray and anointing, Karen was healed of her chest pain and freed from it by the blessing received from the Lord. Don prayed for the Lord’s blessing for my son Austin and I and all of us received the word and counts ourselves fortunate that our Lord would think enough of us to die and rise again to save us.

Since that time we have lived strong in the Lord, and count our many blessings. In February of this year during a regular checkup at the doctor, and after several tests, I was diagnosed as having an 85% coronary arterial blockage. The doctor scheduled a cardiac catheterization and stint placement for treatment on April 7, 2008. On April 6, 2008 my family and I attended church at the First Assembly of God in Belton, MO, and meet Don and Shirley Ware and the God’s Way Ministry group there. These people of God prayed and anointed me with holy oil, and commanded the spirit of sickness to leave my heart and at that moment the healing grace and mercy of GOD open my heart and restored my blood flow. This experience was indescribable and beyond what I can express m this vocabulary. Because the test was scheduled, I felt that I should follow through with it. I went to Saint Luke’s Hospital that Monday and the doctor was surprised to find no, that right 0% blockage in my heart and placed no, that right 0 stints in my heart. Let me say to you and everyone, “GOD IS GOOD”. It is written in the Bible, that “through our faith we are healed”, I am a testimony that is living large in the SPIRIT, and enjoying the life that the LORD has given me. Every day that I spend with my family and friends is a blessing given by a great GOD and our Savior Jesus Christ. My pray is that I can continue to walk in the Spirit and live my life for the advancement of Christ.

I urge you to continue your ministry and spread the blessing of God the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You and your group have been a real lifesaver for all of us. My prayer for continued health and strength, and the steadfast delivery of God’s word is always on my heart.

Your Friend in Christ,

Barry Morton