The Milk of the Word Handouts

Below are three links to downloadable files that make reference of all of the scriptures that are presented in the series of audio sessions of The Milk of the Word.

The scriptures listed in the first two files are presented in greeting card format and may be personalized to include a photograph and contact information of yourself, or of the person who would present these teaching sessions to others. These teaching sessions may be done apart from, or in conjunction with, each of the corresponding audio session.

To view these files, click on each of the links below.
To download and print from these handout files, click on the “Download” button to the right of each link.

The first link below presents 5 separate greeting cards that list the scriptures referenced in the Milk of the Word introductory audio Sessions 1, 2 and 3.

This second link below presents 13 additional greeting cards that list the scriptures referenced in the rest of the Milk of the Word Audio Sessions 4 thru 10

The third link below is a 16 page summary listing of all of the scriptures referenced in both the first and second links above, however not in greeting card format.